Tuesday, August 26, 2008

/ Wrists

Sometimes when I dont feel like drawing cartoons, I try to do some figure drawing using the anatomy I have in my memory. I know some referance would sure come in handy but when im drawing on sticky notes at my desk while Harmony is in the middle of one of its freeze ups, I am not aloud that luxury.

Derek Hess is a big inspiration to me. His sketchs are so alive, and the lines he uses in them are very bold and confident. I do not yet have grasp of what it takes to put lines like that down on paper, so I find myself over drawing a lot of the time. Its still fun and I love drawing in regular bic pen since it forces you to work light and delicate and really build up a drawing like your scuplting in a 2D world. It also means no going back, I cant tell you how many sticky ntoes a day I throw away. Anyway here are some Emo drawings I have done in the last little bit.

1 comment:

Ken said...

these are real nice drawings mate, i like the anatomy