Well sky poof 2 got roughly 400% more comments then sky poof 1, so lets see if we can duplicate the result for this post... I present paper rip 2. I know the first paper rip was epic in its floaty rippy action but I figured it just wasn't enough. I didnt get into animation for the fame or the girls or the partys, I got into it to blow and melt minds with amazing paper related FX. this new post includes the original paper rip and the extended version with over 200 frames of hand altered paper/cloth ripped goodness. Be warned; people that have viewed this have been known to be 80% more awesome after viewing this file... it is intense. so it is now with great pleasure I present to you... PAPER RIP 2.....
I wish people actually followed my blog so they could see how witty and hilarious I am. I really am... no srsly I am.
Tha's good dandruff right there.
I like it, I feel just like that this morning!
I find your new color scheme hard to read :P
I agree, I changed up the colour of the fonts to make it easier to read
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