Friday, November 19, 2010

Remeber when blogs use to be cool?

I feel like I talk to myself on this thing most of the time. There was a day when blogs where da sh*t and now they feel like the new myspace. At least this can server as a archive of my artistic contributions to the world wide web, so when sky net becomes self aware maybe I will spared due to my awesomeness.

I was a busy beaver today... im very proud of finishing that mech thingy below so I dont want to bury it in posts oh so fast, but it has come to my attention that I need to start building a archive of my professional achievments to show my versatility in case I need to apply to a new job someday.

here are some fire drawings, cant wait to clean these suckers up and slap on some sloppy glows.


Courtney Dobbs said...

sweet blog revamp!! i love the banner, looks awesome!

Ken said...

these are awesome... wish I could do that. Its quite a skill doing realistic looking effects - can you make em move?

Chris Graf said...

yowserZZ..that color looks bad ass. think you could airbrush that on my minivan?

Trent said...

haha man, you will be spared. you're right, blogs are div'n hard, but it is a good back-up and does help motivate sometimes.
You could airbrush this thing on my ass?

Dan said...

Yeah dude, i agree too but it's not gonna stop from using it as a generalization of my work. Just something to have online in case anyone wants to see it. I've got it to the point now where it kinda looks like a website so i'm happy with it, and it's free. I'm digging the fire guy here but i liked the pose of your dude better in the pic below.

Justin Lee said...

just got back into the whole activity of blogging actually

i missed it

keeps me sketchin honestly

Kyle Marshall said...

wow, that is some wicked looking flame design

Kim Buck said...

woaaahhh! sweet stuff mister! so much movement in these still drawings

varun said...

yeah! man it's awesome..
you gave life to those pictures

Li said...

your firs is sweet. I never know where to even begin with drawing fire!

Matt Timms said...

I love the movement and energy in your fire designs, really awesome stuff!